Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Claude Monet (1840 - 1926)

Claude Monet was born on November 14, 1840 in Paris. He grew up near the sea in a city called Le Haver, when he was young he was good in painting and remarkable to the extend that any art gallery would like to hang his paints in their walls and window. Nothing stopped Monet to reach his goal even his parents, he studies art in a cheap art school in Paris. When he grew up, he used to travel around France cities just to find a good places to paint, he got married to Camille she used to travel with him, and he had two sons called Jean and Micheal. He was famous as one of the Impressionism which are using broken colors most of his paints you feel it alive, he liked to paint mostly landscape. After a couple years Camile died (1878), then after a few years he got married to a woman called Alice. They moved to live in Giverny which is a small town near to Paris. There he was more explored to the landscape paintings, he was obsessed by his Japanese bridge and his lily pond. His paintings are in the most popular museums in USA and Europe.He died in 1926 in Giverny.

By: Fatima

Early Years
La Grenouillère
1869; Metropolitan Museum of Art

First Impressionist paintings
La Promenade 1875

Boulevard des Capucines 1873
Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri

Rouen Cathedral: Full Sunlight
1894; Louvre, Paris

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Dog Days

Greg Hefly enjoys his summer by playing video games in the dark, his mother doesn't like this idea. One day, his mother opened the curtain and told Greg: 'go out and enjoy the sun a little'. So Greg went over to Rowley, and Rowley said: 'lets go to my dads' pool'. When they went they took smoothies and said: 'just put it on Rowley's father check', then when they saw the bill which was $85.
Greg's mother said that he and Rowley are going to pay back for the check.
Later Greg's mother opened a Reading is fun club and everybody should bring in a book and read and Greg and Rowley did a VIP Lawn service and they are mowing lawn. Ms. Canfield was the first costumer to call she didn't give them their money because they didn't mow her lawn well so he went and called his father and his father mowed the lawn and didn't take the money back.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I think it was important to read the book first then watch the movie, Why? Because the book has more details than the movie, as Stanley was fat and young in the story but in the movie he was thin and older. I was excited when I watch the movie while imaging the real characters in the story, each actor played his role very well with inspiration. I liked a lot Holes story and I enjoyed watching the movie. I learned a lot from both.

Bactrian Camels

Bactrian camels can go for a long distance trip without food and water because they have two humps in their back where they can store food and water for a long time. They rarely sweat, if they felt thirsty they can drink 30 gallons in 13 minutes. In winter seasons they gather around the mountains for the snow which they can drink.
Bactrian camels height is about 2 meters tall but the arabian camels (Dromedaries) are taller, Bactrian camels have 2 humps when dromedaries have only 1 hump. Bactrian camels have flat footpads and rough to keep them safe from sinking into snow or sand, and helping them to cross over the rocks, they use their long neck to drink water and reach branches to eat. Camels fur is used to make clothing for humans. Bactrian camels live in Central and East Asia's rocky deserts where it is hot in the summer (38c) and very cold at winter (29c). They have shaggy coat which keeps them warm in winter and not hot in summer. They can walk for long distances (5.5 kph) and usually they don't run. They have long eyelashes and bushy eyebrows to protect their eyes from dust and snow.
Nowadays they are few as they are 400 in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia, so they are endangered. They are known by mammals and herbivores by the scientific, if they are threatened they can spit or kick, the nice thing that baby camels called their mama baa.
- They can live up to 50 years.
- They can weigh 816 kgs
- They have been used for transportation and clothing for about 6,000 years.

By: Fatima

Tuesday, January 18, 2011



Many people hear about Tornadoes, and they know it is a kind of natural disaster. When you read my report, you will get to know, what is a Tornado exactly?
A Tornado is the most dangerous storm that nature creates. It appears as a dark funnel, wide mouthed at one end, and narrow mouthed at the top. It looks like a cloud, but very big and dark. A speed winds make this shape.

The first thing Tornadoes appears as rotating, the main cause of it is by a massive thunderstorm, these strong storms form when warm air goes upward and mix with the cooler, and drier air makes a huge thundercloud. Some Tornadoes are harmless, but other Tornadoes are dangerous, the most dangerous Tornado is: F5 it could kill people and destroy houses. It could reach a maximum speed of 300 miles. If a Tornado hits the ground, it could destroy anything in its way. I will tell you an example, and it is a true story. Once a tornado in Broken Bow, Oklahoma, carried a motel sign 30 miles and dropped it in Arkansas!
The next thing, the Tornado can damage an area of, 1 mile wide and 50 miles long. The states in the Tornado range mostly are under the risks, the Tornadoes season runs from March to August, it is not easy to expect the exact time of a Tornado. Sometimes Tornadoes accompany storms and hurricanes over land. Tornadoes take many shapes and sizes. There is a mild Tornadoes, and a sever ones.

How do we know that there is a Tornado coming?

It is never known, if there is a Tornado coming, but with experience, we have to look for the following, if it is there it means there is a Tornado on the way:
1-Dark sky, sometimes the color of it is near to be green.
2- Wall heavy clouds.
3- Large hail.
4- Loud roar.

Finally, everyone living in a Tornado range or expected Tornado areas should be prepared. Make a family plan of the house, work, school exits, so it will be fast to move and to react. All the family has to make many trials, as if there is a real Tornado. Each family has to have a radio at home, incase there is Tornado approaching, they will hear it immediately and get ready. Everyone has to go to the basement, or to the nearest shelter, they have to be away from windows, if they don't have a basement or a shelter around, the safest place will be to stay at the bathroom. If there is anyone in his car, they have to get out of it very fast, it is safe to be away from the car, try to find a low ground not on hills, and kneel on the ground while covering the head, and this is the best position to be protected from a Tornado.

So you see, Tornadoes are un expected nature disaster, happens in some areas, and some of them could kill people, and destroy cities, so be prepared, and make your plan talk to your children about Tornadoes and how to be prepared, and what the safest action should be taken, if a Tornado approaching. Talk to your neighbors about one plan to follow. It is up to you at the end and I think if everyone did this they will protect their families.



By: Fatima El Behery

Weak Tornadoes

Strong Tornadoes

Violent Tornadoes

Best position to protect yourself

See below a chart of Tornadoes

Category Damage Wind
F0 light 40–72 mph
F1 moderate 73–112 mph
F2 significant 113–157 mph
F3 severe 158–206 mph
F4 devastating 207–260 mph
F5 incredible 261–318 mph

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

about me

Hi my name is Fatima and I am 10 years old. I have a sister called Farah. I used to be in Chouifat International School but now I am in 5th grade at The American International School. I have best friends ever and my teacher is Miss Wave. Writing and reading is my favorite hobbies.

I remember the first day of school and I just wanted to talk about it with you guys. It was 8:00AM when I reach the school, There was a strange feelings moving between happiness and being scare, when Miss Wave called out my name I panicked as I didn't know any one in my class, but when I talked to you all in class, I felt relaxed by everyone's tender and smile. We were all calm, but when Nour vomited, I went to Miss Wave and told her Miss, Miss, she is vomiting, and when Nour came back after few minutes Hania vomited, I was shocked and at the end of the day it turned out being really great meeting Miss Wave and my classmates. When I went home me and my sister told our parents about the news and even we were both happy.

I am happy to be your classmate and I am happy to be Miss Waves' student.